您現在的位置: 上海恩萊保貿易有限公司 > 供應信息> 3M 8663 Polyurethane Protective Tap |
3M 8663 Polyurethane Protective Tap 詳細說明 |
3M 8663 Polyurethane Protective Tape 3M™ 8663 Polyurethane Protective Tape from ELB is designed to protect sensitive locations in the aircraft from corrosion caused by exposure to water. The tape is available in a variety of colors and can be used in the lavatory, galley and other wet areas, as well in cargo or storage holds and anywhere else that moisture may be found. The tape establishes a durable barrier against fluids including water and is completely resistant to abrasion, erosion, scratching, punctures and most types of impact damage. 3M 8663 tape is easy to apply and has a self-adhesive backing for convenience. The tape is sold by the roll and is a great value. 1319/5000 3M 8663聚氨酯保護膠帶 SkyGeek的3M™8663聚氨酯保護膠帶旨在保護飛機上的敏感位置免受因暴露于水而引起的腐蝕。該膠帶有多種顏色,可用于洗手間,廚房和其他潮濕的地方,以及貨物或存放處以及可能發現水分的其他地方。該膠帶可對包括水在內的液體建立持久的屏障,并且完全耐磨損,腐蝕,刮擦,刺穿和大多數類型的沖擊損壞。 3M 8663膠帶易于粘貼,并具有可自動粘貼的背襯,方便使用。膠帶是按卷出售的,非常有價值。 本產品網址:http://m.338jjj.com/sjshow_490570537/ 手機版網址:http://m.vooec.com/trade_490570537.html 產品名稱:3M 8663 Polyurethane Protective Tap |