您現在的位置: 上海恩萊保貿易有限公司 > 供應信息> SERENYS PATE CUIVRE |
應用場合:螺紋組件,螺母和螺栓承受非常高的溫度。模具頂針。鋁擠壓(模具修整之前)。扎馬克脫模。蒸汽連接和填料函。機械密封件和Orings。包裝密封件的浸漬。Applications : Threaded assemblies, nuts and bolts subjected to very high temperatures. Die ejector pins. Aluminum extrusion (prior to mold dressing). Zamak demolding. Steam connections and stuffing boxes. Mechanical seals and Orings. Impregnation of packing seals. Plain bearings on hot bending machines. Hotblast valves. Combustion engines and turbines. Compressors and gas generators. Vulcanizing mold closures. Ingot tongs. Truck center plates and brake calipers. Lubrication of cables and hot chains. Spotwelding machine jaws. Features : Synthetic / Copper powder / Gray / Load = 4800 N / Service temperature range: -20°C to +1100°C (-4°F to +2012°F) Property : Synthetic oil-based assembly paste adhesive filled with copper powder. Usable at temperatures ranging from -20°C to +1100°C (-4°F to +2012°F). It is applied as a thin film. Without metallic salts (lead) or nitrites. Excellent shelf life under static conditions and when exposed to vibrations. Allows easy part mounting and assembly. Facilitates non-destructive dismantling of parts exposed to high temperatur 本產品網址:http://m.338jjj.com/sjshow_494984169/ 手機版網址:http://m.vooec.com/trade_494984169.html 產品名稱:SERENYS PATE CUIVRE |