您現在的位置: 上海恩萊保貿易有限公司 > 供應信息> ZYP COATINGS Type Y-CZ |
Type Y-CZ is based on the most thermodynamically stable oxides of Yttrium Oxide (Y2 O3 ) and Calcium Zirconate (CaZrO3 ), both with melting points over 2300 C. This combination yields 60 mol% Y2 03 and 40 mol% CaZrO3 on heating over 1000 C. Most importantly, unlike other Yttrium Oxide based coatings, Type Y-CZ is usable in air atmospheres as well as inert/vacuum to temperatures in the 1000-2000 C range; and the coating bonds well to all substrates – ceramic, graphite, metal. Due to the high stability of the coating, Type Y-CZ is suitable for use with very reactive molten metals. 本產品網址:http://m.338jjj.com/sjshow_507743357/ 手機版網址:http://m.vooec.com/trade_507743357.html 產品名稱:ZYP COATINGS Type Y-CZ |