2016-2017年法國(巴黎)服裝、服飾第一視覺聯展 (THE SOURCING CONNECTION PREMIèRE VISION)
展會時間:9月12-14日 展會地點:PARIS EVENT CENTER 展會周期:一年一屆 組委會:Première Vision Paris 展品范圍:各種男女服裝、服飾
展會簡介: 1, THE SOURCING CONNECTION PREMIèRE VISION: NEW DATES, NEW VENUE 12, 13 & 14 SEPTEMBER 2016 – PARIS EVENT CENTER Through its various manufacturing shows, and in parallel with its materials shows (yarns, fabrics, leather, designs, accessories), Première Vision, the world leader in professional trade shows for the upstream fashion industry, is continuing to put in place global sourcing solutions for the benefit of fashion brands.
2,THE SOURCING CONNECTION PREMIèRE VISION: A BRAND-NEW CONCEPT The second edition of this event will be held on 12, 13 and 14 September 2016 in the Paris Event Center. These dates have been repositioned to coincide with Première Vision Paris, and are perfectly in tune with the collections calendar. With one day’s difference between the two events, Première Vision is offering a greater scope to the 60,000 buyers visiting the shows. And Première Vision has chosen to locate its show in a new setting on the edge of the city, the Paris Event Center. This choice of venue, which offers a more intimate format than Première Vision Paris, illustrates our desire to welcome and accompany buyers in the discovery of new partners. A shuttle service between the two events will be organised to make it easier for buyers to visit both shows. PRESS RELEASE MARCH 20162 The Sourcing Connection Première Vision envisages to include between 100 and 120 key ready-to-wear clothing manufacturers from the main regions around the world for garment production: Asia Pacific (China, Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Myanmar, and Cambodia) and Sub-Saharan Africa. This will be a selection of flexible (in terms of quantities) and reactive businesses that are among the most competitive and qualitative in the sector. The new concept that will complete the Manufacturing ecosystem of Première Vision is centred on the special features of each business. Consequently, the show proposes an approach by product destination (citywear, loungewear, outerwear, jeanswear, casualwear, services) which renders the sourcing and savoir-faire offer easier to read, whilst guaranteeing optimal visit efficiency. With the aim of furthering knowledge of emerging sourcing zones, the show will propose seminars around the new challenges of sourcing from afar.
3,As a complement to the offer of the other two manufacturing shows, this new date provides the most qualitative and competitive sourcing solutions from the major export sector. At the show Production Directors and Buying Managers from fashion brands will find manufacturers and sub-contractors for their clothing collections at the cutting edge of fashion. 我公司主要推薦一下展會: 1,阿聯酋(阿布扎比) 2屆/年 4月/10月 2,意大利紡織及服裝展 2屆/年 2月/9月 3,巴黎面料展 2屆/年 2月/9月 4,紐約面料展 2屆/年 1月/7月 5,墨西哥紡織展 2屆/年 1月/7月 6,孟加拉紡織及紡機展 2屆/年 1月/9月 7,印度蒂巴爾紗線展 1屆/年 9月 8,丹麥服裝展 2屆/年 2月/8月 9,日本服裝展CFF,IFF 2屆/年 春季/秋季 10,德國柏林服裝貼牌展 2屆/年 2月/7月 11,俄羅斯斯輕紡展 2屆/年 2月/9月 12,迪拜紡織展 1屆/年 11月 13,英國倫敦服裝展 2屆/年 2月/8月 14,越南紡織展 2屆/年 4月/11月 15,土耳其皮革展 2屆/年 4月/11月 16,印度班加羅爾紡織展 1屆/年 3月份 17,德國法蘭克福家紡展 1屆/年 1月份 18,塞爾維亞紡織展 1屆/年 4月 19,丹麥服裝展 2屆/年 2月/8月 20,尼日利亞服裝展 1屆/年 10月份 21,巴西紡織及服裝展 2屆/年 1月/6月
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本展會信息網址:http://m.338jjj.com/exhibition/105120.html 手機版網址:http://m.vooec.com/exhibition_105120.html |