2017年黨的第十九次全國代表大會中明確提出實施【健康中國戰略】要完善國民健康政策,為人民群眾提供全方位全周期健康服務。“健康中國”不再僅僅是一個口號,已上升到了國家發展戰略高度。堅持預防為主,倡導健康文明生活方式。實施食品安全戰略,推動健康產業有序發展。而“健康中國”戰略中也明確指出:到2030年,健康服務業總規模將達到16萬億。據相關報道,現在的中國家庭在養生方面的投入卻不到5%!從發展趨勢來看,健康養生產業將進入加速發展期,數萬億計的健康養生產業正噴薄待發。 The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2017 explicitly put forward the implementation of the strategy of "Healthy China" to improve the national health policy and provide all-round full-cycle health services for people. "Healthy China" is no longer just a slogan. It has risen to a high level of national development strategy. We shall adhere to prevention first, advocate healthy and civilized way of life, and implement food safety strategy to promote the orderly development of health industry. The "Healthy China" strategy also clearly states: by 2030, the total scale of the regimen industry will reach 16 trillion. According to relevant reports, now Chinese families invest less than 5% in regimen living! From the view of development trend, regimen industry will enter an accelerated period of development,and trillions of regimen industry are thriving. 上海養生品牌博覽會(簡稱:RLBE)將秉持其一貫的優良作風,依托【健康中國】戰略決策、專業的技術支撐、強大的營銷渠道,為企業搭建起“優質、高效、高端的養生品牌商貿平臺”。第六屆上海養生品牌博覽會,將移師上海新國際博覽中心。本屆博覽會展出面積將擴至20000㎡。進一步奠定“上海養生品牌博覽會”在華東地區領先的行業地位。 Shanghai Regimen Living Brand Expo (abbr.: RLBE) will uphold its usual fine style, relying on "Healthy China" strategic decision-making, professional technical support, strong marketing channels for enterprises to build a "high-quality, efficient, high-lever regimen brand trading platform ". The 6th Shanghai Regimen Living Brand Expo will be transferred to Shanghai New International Expo Center. The exhibition area will be expanded to 20000 square meter, further laying the “Shanghai Regimen Living Brand Expo” in East China's leading position in the industry. 2018年,每個人都要轉變自己的觀念,將重心轉到以預防為主,去創造屬于人人享有養生的時代! By 2018, everyone should change his mindset and shift the focus to prevention, to create an age where everyone can enjoy regimen Living! 本展會信息網址:http://m.338jjj.com/exhibition/111615.html 手機版網址:http://m.vooec.com/exhibition_111615.html |