展會中文名稱:2020年第45屆日本千葉國際食品展 FOODEX
展會英文名稱:The 45th International Food and Beverage Exhibition
【日本千葉食品展】組展單位:北京領匯國際展覽 林小小 【聯(lián)系方式見下方】
◆ 食品:農產品(新鮮、冷凍、干貨)、農產品加工、谷物、畜產品(冷凍、干貨)、乳制品、水產品(新鮮、冷凍、干貨)、肉加工品、半成品、水產品加工、軟罐頭食品、副食品、西式熟食、果蔬、油脂、保健食品、有機食品、調味料、香辛料、各種面類、面包、甜點、嬰兒食品、老年食品及其他;
◆ 飲料:含酒精飲料(清酒、燒酒、啤酒、葡萄酒等)、不含酒精飲料、咖啡、紅茶、礦泉水、日本茶及其他茶類、保健飲料等;
◆ 其他:餐具、廚房用品、食品包裝機械,食品加工設備,食品技術、健康、美容出版物等。
FOODEX JAPAN is designed to be of great assistance in creating and expanding business opportunities in the food industry and to widely introduce information on the latest trends regarding the food industry.
To make FOODEX JAPAN 2019 out to be a reliable and powerful source to provide information on the latest Asian trends in the food industry, sponsoring government authorities/organizations, committees, and some of the exhibitors both from Japanese domestic areas and from foreign countries participated in the opening ceremony on the initial date of the fair.
3,316 exhibitors coming from 94 countries and 85,000 visitors joined in FOODEX JAPAN 2019 and had passionate and profitable business meetings at many of the exhibitor's booths during the trade fair.
聯(lián)系人:林小小 15637776797
鄭州、武漢均設有辦事處,歡迎您的實地考察!領匯助推全球貿易,中國國際商會(COOIC)常務理事單位-北京領匯集團國際商務計劃為VIP量身定制。 本展會信息網(wǎng)址:http://m.338jjj.com/exhibition/114494.html 手機版網(wǎng)址:http://m.vooec.com/exhibition_114494.html |